Friday 29 July 2011


As much as I enjoy all the old stories I have shared with my mom and dad.  The reality is we can't go back to those old times.  Where it may now seem like we didn't have much, but we never new it.  We have always had each other and that will never change.
As my brother is still fighting the fight against cancer.  It really holds to the point that things were just so much more simpler when we were kids.
Thats all for now.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Old Times

I started this blog because I have so many memories of my childhood, and spending time with my mom hearing all of her stories about her childhood.
I remember that our house was so small maybe the size of a average room, but it was a mansion to me. My Dad and Mom seperated our rooms with sheets. My mom would always tell us about her hold room being the size of a mattress but it was her private room. I remember a time that we sat on my moms bed making a recording of Johnny Cashes "Ring of Fire" it was being sent to my dad.  I never realized that making that recording was because my Dad was not with us.  I did not realize that until I was an adult going over stories with my mom. It wasn't a sad time it was just a fact of  life.  He went away for work to take care of us.
I remember care packages my dad would send back to my mom.  We would always get so excited.  In  one of the packages there was a pair of red girl shoes(you know the shinny ones with the little buckle across the top).  I thought that they were just the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.  I dreamed of having my own pair some day.
I want to share our bath time. Me and my older brother Andys bath time was a large wash tub my mom would drag out in her kitchen area.  I never realized all the work it would take her to get the water even for our bath, because there was no running water inside the house.  We just thought of it as playtime. Another little note to think about is that our home in Belize was a raised house so my mom always had to deal with stairs to carry the water up to.
We were so young in Belize and there are so many little stories and memories I want to share.   And I am planning on using this blog to keep them around always. :)
Thats all for now.

What's Real

I know the story of my birth, the parade the gifts because I was the first girl.  But it was until years later that my mom gave me the full information of the reason for the Parade.  My dad made a bet with the men in his band that he played with on the weekend, that I was going to be a girl.  That was the reason for my big parade.  It doesn't matter why they did it I just loved the look in my moms eyes as she would tell me about it.  So it doesn't matter that they celebrated because of a bet.  It is real that they celebrated.
I think back a great deal of all the stories my mom has shared with me and I hold them all so precious.  Because they always help to remember where I came from and how far I have traveled.
 I remember what must of been a dream, of a Christmas  with snow covering the ground.  I had to be about four or five years old but the memory all was there.  I know it had to be a dream because I don't remember my parents having a TV in Belize.  It stayed with me always. And when I celebrated a great Christmas as a adult with my family and kids it brought back to mind that memory that was a dream that became a reality.